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Reductions Fu Bing such a thing,air max 90, I simply mandate in Lin Sanhong within. Completely free hand, simply do not have to consult the court. Zhezi sent back to court, most central act of the Cabinet Ministers Rule: Striving. Big Ming prefect has more than one hundred and fifty. Town hall in each case is different and requires a lot of transactions are the facts according to the local prefect to deal with, but not all, require the court to make a ruling. Especially in the reduction of the fu-ping such matters. Court say very little.

For example Linsan Hong Yangzhou government, indeed affluent downtown, Jiminggoudao there is definitely a small thief. Can be as large stocks of bandits bandits dare foothold in such a place ? As for the mob rebellion if you really have this situation occurs, Fu Bing simply not effective, have to rely on the army, so that the government of Yangzhou Fu Bing 's role is very limited. But that does not mean that its nike air max mens fu-ping is also the case where : such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi, Liaodong, Gan Shaanxi and other places, either at the border or within the jurisdiction of its instability, we can not no matter cheap coach outlet online big or small it directly mobilize the army, right ?

In these areas,nike air max womens, the role of the fu-ping great, you can play the effect of maintaining local stability, or even largely replace the part of the army functions. Local officials in these areas has repeatedly expanded Fu Bing preparation, is also a legitimate reason. If in the court under the name of the cut fu-ping command, even confined within the scope of Yangzhou government, but also easily lead to misunderstanding some aspects, especially in the frontier areas of mixed ethnic composition, they may cause some unnecessary trouble.


