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The chi straighteners wanted to continue on their way, the night can see the road in time, it is not it casually in the nest on the carriage for a. However, the Jimo Yi Cang look is your son, or to live inn now!So chi nodded, "Okay!" To catch the day's Road Darksteel hit vague pain, or a good day of rest, which hit the brain cells do not know how many died, has been so idiot IQ, if stupid and then go on, I'm afraid the Xi Luo Xuan really want to despise her.

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A walk in the bustling streets, looking at every antique, although a year, but chi iron still feel fresh and interesting every time I see, compared to the previous school gate stall more old-fashioned, exquisite things a lot. Crowd, Jimo Yi Cang not escape the crowd, remembered with chi when walking in the street, he always go to a place few people saw a stranger near, brow furrowed, eyes with a chill, so people shudder.

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